
Brex Pitch Deck Template

Brex Pitch Deck Template


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Brex Pitch Deck Template
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Brex Pitch Deck Template slide
Brex Pitch Deck Template slide
Brex Pitch Deck Template slide
Brex Pitch Deck Template slide
Brex Pitch Deck Template slide
Brex Pitch Deck Template slide
Brex Pitch Deck Template slide
Brex Pitch Deck Template slide
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Brex's Pitch Deck Redesign

Brex is a startup that has come to the market to rebuild B2B financial products, starting with a corporate card for technology companies.

Brex was founded last year by Henrique Dubugras and Pedro Franceschi, two young engineers aged 22. They had previously founded Pagar.me, one of the largest payment processors in Brazil with over $1.5 billion in GMV. Up to now, this startup has been backed by the co-founders of Paypal, Y Combinator, Ribbit Capital, Yuri Milner, and Carl Pascarella (former CEO of Visa).

As of today, Brex has raised a total of $57 million from investors, and recently, they allowed to make their Series B pitch deck public, and we took the liberty of redesigning the slides.

Tips for creating a successful pitch deck

Keep it simple and to the point

Your pitch deck should be concise and focused, highlighting only the most important information about your business. Avoid using jargon or complex terminology, and focus on clearly communicating your value proposition and how your company will solve a problem or meet a need.

Tell a compelling story

The best pitch decks are those that tell a compelling story about your business, connecting the dots between your product or service, your target market, and your growth potential. Use strong visuals and clear, concise language to help investors understand your vision and see the potential for success.

Include a financial plan

Investors want to see that you have a solid financial plan in place and that you understand the costs and potential returns associated with your business. Include financial projections, including revenue, expenses, and profitability, to help investors understand the potential for growth and return on investment.

Highlight your team

Investors want to see that you have a strong team in place with the skills and experience necessary to execute your business plan. Include bios and relevant experience for each team member, and highlight any advisors or mentors who are supporting your business.

Practice your pitch

A successful pitch deck is only as good as the presentation itself, so be sure to practice your pitch before presenting it to investors. This will help you feel more confident and comfortable during the actual presentation and ensure that you are able to clearly and concisely communicate the key points of your business.

The 5 key elements of a pitch

The Problem

The first element of a pitch deck is to articulate the problem your business is solving clearly. What pain points are you addressing? How are you improving upon existing solutions?

The Solution

Next, you'll want to describe your solution in detail. This should include information on your product or service, as well as how it addresses the problem you've identified.

The Market

A key element of a pitch deck is to demonstrate the size and potential of the market you're targeting. This includes market research, competitors, and why your solution is uniquely positioned to succeed.

The Team

Investors want to know who is behind the business, so be sure to include information about your team's experience and expertise.

The Financials

Finally, you'll want to include financial projections and information on your fundraising needs. This should include details on how much money you're seeking, how you plan to use the funds, and what milestones you will work towards.

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