
Lunchclub Pitch Deck Template

"Lunchclub is a startup dedicated to make ""curated connections for 1:1 lunch or coffee meetings"". This is the pitch deck that helped them raise millions of dollars, as redesigned by Slidebean. "


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Lunchclub Pitch Deck Template slide
Lunchclub Pitch Deck Template slide
Lunchclub Pitch Deck Template slide
Lunchclub Pitch Deck Template slide
Lunchclub Pitch Deck Template slide
Lunchclub Pitch Deck Template slide
Lunchclub Pitch Deck Template slide
Lunchclub Pitch Deck Template slide
Lunchclub Pitch Deck Template slide
Lunchclub Pitch Deck Template slide
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Lunchclub is a startup dedicated to make "curated connections for 1:1 lunch or coffee meetings". Based on the user's goals and interests, they introduce people via email so they can coordinate an individual professional meeting. Sources refer to it as working better for this purpose than LinkedIn. This is the pitch deck that helped them raise millions of dollars, as redesigned by Slidebean.

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