Why You Should Pay Someone To Write Your Pitch Deck 

February 16, 2022

If you are trying to raise funds for your company, a strong pitch deck is essential. A good pitch deck piques the interest of potential investors. It engages them in a discussion about your company, hopefully leading to financial investment.

You will see why you should pay someone to write your pitch deck as you read on. We will also answer pertinent questions related to writing our pitch deck.

What we’ve learned from helping write hundreds of pitch decks

A pitch deck, or a slide deck is a concise but informative description of your company. It should include your business plan, the product and services you offer, financial projections, and capital requirements. Your pitch deck should be able to tell your business's story.

For the most part, an investor's first impression of your firm will likely depend on your pitch deck and pitch presentation. Because investors rarely commit after a single meeting, your goal is to pique potential investors' interest in your business. After hearing your pitch, you want investors to ask for more, not just walk away. This shows why you should pay someone to write your pitch deck.

While a strong pitch deck is essential for raising funds, the primary objective is to move to the next step. The next step is a meeting and a request for additional information about your business plan.

Therefore, you'll have to sell your ideas to potential investors in a way that makes them want to back your company. 

Why Hire A Pitch Deck Design Consultant?

A pitch deck design consultant is someone or a company with a lot of experience putting together pitch decks for clients looking for funds. Using a pitch deck design specialist or a pitch deck design service is one of the most effective ways to complete your pitch deck. 

These firms are investment experts with a thorough understanding of business and market entry tactics. Some companies also provide financial estimates or pitch presentation coaching as an add-on service. However, they are best known for developing outstanding professional and visually appealing pitch decks that boost the likelihood of obtaining finance.

Effective pitching is more than just a set of slides; it's a combination of knowledge, performance, and design that most people don't naturally possess. A pitch deck design expert helps you design your pitch deck, determine the correct story for your company, and dissect your business strategy.

The more professionally designed a presentation is, the better the initial impression the potential investors will have of you and your firm. The easier it is for financiers to understand what you're trying to say, the better. The more likely you are to achieve your intended result (funding).

The bottom line is that your idea's future is at stake, and you only have a few minutes to pique an investor's attention.

How much does it cost to hire a pitch deck consultant?

Expect to pay a premium for a consultant who can assist you with the content and design of your presentation.

Working with a pitch deck design expert may cost between $2000-6000. Some pitch professionals charge a higher fee. Good pitch deck designers will guide you through the process of creating your pitch's content. They'll make sure the messaging is clear and that you're giving the potential investor an engaging tale.

Pitch deck experts understand good design and produce professional, valuable decks with a solid graphic focus. A brilliant pitch deck designer will also have a defined procedure for working with you to ensure that you collaborate closely on the project while not wasting your time. It is clear now why you should pay someone to write your pitch deck.

While the services are not inexpensive, they are valuable, and the end product is effective, professional, and physically attractive. What's more, you will spend less time on the project than with any other options.

How do you both write and design a pitch effectively?

Write your pitch to elicit more discussion. After hearing or seeing your pitch, you hope that an investor will indicate an interest in learning more about your company by asking to read your comprehensive business plan. Consider the most important details that he should know. 

Similarly, don't try to give your whole business idea in your elevator pitch. A well-crafted pitch can save both you and the investor time by allowing the investor to swiftly assess whether your firm meets his investment criteria. Such criteria include the industry you're in and the amount of funding necessary.

Make a summary of your products and services, focusing on the advantages they bring to clients. Create a list of your target clients. Estimate the size of the market you're entering and what's driving its expansion. Differentiate your organization from the competition by demonstrating what makes your products and services better and more innovative. Summarize your financial estimates; a pitch might be as simple as listing projected sales and profit. Present previous successes or accomplishments to introduce yourself and other key team members. Include the amount of money you require and a brief description of how you will spend it. Reduce everything to the most engaging elements for an elevator pitch.

The brevity of a pitch makes it challenging to write. You may find it tough to condense your firm's potential and your plans for it to the specified time or length. Allow friends or business colleagues to assess your pitch. With your pitch, strive for both clarity and excitement. After hearing or reading your proposal, interested investors will have questions regarding your plan. So, be ready to respond with a comprehensive business plan.

How to write a pitch deck to raise funding

It's difficult and time-consuming to get money from investors. As a result, an excellent investor pitch deck is essential for a start-up.

The following elements, essentially in the order and titles listed here, should be covered in your investor pitch deck. Investors expect this presentation style, so try to stick to it as much as possible.

Company Overview: outline your business, the problem it solves, business location, the management team's experience, and any significant traction already developed.

Mission/Vision of the Company: give a brief description of the company's mission/vision. Vision refers to a goal that you believe you can achieve.

The Team: show the pictures and titles of core team members. Give a summary of their experience and relevant expertise.

The Problem: describe the need your start-up business is solving and your target customers

The Solution: This section should explain your suggested solution and why it is superior to other options on the market.

The Market Opportunity: Define your market.Set the market value in dollars. In addition, include graphs demonstrating that your business will target a substantial portion of the market.

The Product: show the key features of your product or service and why it is unique. also, use audio-visuals of your product to support your claims 

The Customers: if you already have well-known customers, include their logos to show credibility. 

The Technology: let your potential investors see your underlying technology, why it is superior and why it will be difficult to replicate. Likewise, show any of your business property rights.

The Competition: indicate your competitors and the advantage you have over them. Investors also need to see the basic features differentiating you and your competition

Traction: here, you have the opportunity to flaunt the success of your business. Show the company's early traction  such as sales, traffic to the company’s website, accolades, testimonials, etc

The Marketing Plan: show the key marketing channels you plan to promote our business.

Financials: let investors see your current financial situation and attainable three to five-year projections. including proposed future burn rate, total revenue, and expenses

The Ask: indicate the amount of funding you need and milestones you can achieve.

How to design an investor pitch deck?

The pitch deck is a graphic representation of the words said during a presentation. Thus, begin with gathering all necessary information, then organize, and design it to communicate your message as clearly and simply as feasible. Take note of the following.

  • Persuade investors to listen to the rest of your pitch right from the start. Add a "traction" teaser slide as your second presentation to achieve this.
  • Make your presentation specific to your audience. learn what each partner and firm is looking for, and adjust your pitch accordingly. 
  • Include only the information that is important to your company. Too much information might be overwhelming.
  • The titles of the slides should be descriptive.
  • Each slide should make sense and establish your point on its own.
  • Keep in mind that people's thoughts wander or their phones distract them. Still, they should be able to take up the thread right away when they glance up.
  • Avoid using thin fonts that are attractive. Ensure that your slides are clearly readable from a distance.
  • Avoid using screenshot slides.

Conclusively, a winning pitch deck has many intricate features-that is why you should pay someone to write your pitch deck.

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